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by Vinh Le

由Vinh Le

因此,您已经注册了另一门在线课程-如何充分利用它? (So you’ve signed up for another online course — how do you make the most of it?)

Last year, I fortunately got the chance to read a in the Economist that discussed how important life-long learning is in the age of automation. At this point in time, everyone seems to be afraid of the notion that AI and machines might ultimately replace their jobs. But the Economist argues for the significance of self-learning and self-development in general.

去年,我幸运地有机会阅读了《经济学人》的一篇 ,该讨论了终身学习在自动化时代的重要性。 在这个时间点上,每个人似乎都害怕AI和机器可能最终取代他们的工作的想法。 但是,《经济学人》认为总体上自我学习和自我发展的重要性。

One valuable source for self-learning is MOOCs (Massive Online Learning Courses), which are gaining incredibly widespread awareness. Thanks to their flexibility, availability, and increasingly affordable pricing, many people have found MOOCs to be an important tool to either refresh their skillset or pursue a career move.

自我学习的一种宝贵资源是MOOC(大规模在线学习课程),它获得了令人难以置信的广泛认知。 由于它们的灵活性,可用性和价格越来越可承受的价格,许多人发现MOOC是更新技能或从事职业的重要工具。

那里的开发者呢? (How about the developers out there?)

No matter whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned developer, you probably have gone through several online tutorials. In this article, I will not discuss the importance of MOOCs, as this has been covered widely. Rather, I’ll share my personal experience as a self-taught developer who has attended a few MOOCs and show you how to get the most out of them.

无论您是新手还是经验丰富的开发人员,您都可能已经阅读了几本在线教程。 在本文中,我将不讨论MOOC的重要性,因为它已被广泛讨论。 相反,我将分享我作为一名自学成才的开发人员的个人经验,他参加了一些MOOC,并向您展示了如何从中获得最大收益。

如何充分利用MOOC (How to get the most out of a MOOC)

请不要记住那些代码块 (Please, don’t memorize those code blocks)

There’s a very common mistake that you may have heard of a million times, and that I saw myself making when I first started diving into tutorials: I thought I could somehow memorize the lines of code I was working with.


Soon, I realized that this not only take tons of time but also overwhelms and prevents you from moving forward. Let me show you why.

很快,我意识到这不仅需要花费大量时间,而且不知所措,并且使您无法前进。 让我告诉你为什么。

Almost everything you see instructors doing on the screen will move in to your short-term memory. No matter how thoroughly you grasp the concept at the time, if you do not practice it frequently, it’s never going to sink in deeply inside your memory.

您在屏幕上看到的讲师所做的几乎所有事情都会转移到您的短期记忆中。 无论您当时对概念的掌握程度如何,如果不经常练习,它永远不会沉入您的记忆中。

It’s just how the human mind works. In order to quickly pick up something to use instantly when needed, we need to practice it frequently ourselves, and not just watch somebody doing it.

这就是人类思想的运作方式。 为了快速获取需要时立即使用的某些东西,我们需要自己经常练习,而不仅仅是看别人在做。

Not being able to memorize code snippets you see might negatively affect your self-esteem at first. However, if you look at the bigger picture and analyze how much you’ll need to learn, you’ll realize that it’s not necessary to try to remember every bit of syntax or snippet.

起初,您无法记住代码片段可能会对您的自尊心产生负面影响。 但是,如果您从更大的角度看待并分析需要学习的知识,您将意识到不必记住语法或代码片段的每一部分。

Don’t get me wrong. There are things that you absolutely have to remember. You’ll be heavily using them, and it will save you time later on. However, the point is, almost everything is searchable. You could quickly find those code blocks later on, so all you need to remember is what it is used for so that you know what to search for.

不要误会我的意思。 您必须牢记某些事情。 您将大量使用它们,这将在以后节省您的时间。 但是,关键是,几乎所有内容都是可搜索的。 稍后您可以快速找到这些代码块,因此您只需要记住它的用途,就可以知道要搜索的内容。

Hence, deciding what you need to remember is pretty imporatnt, but it’s easier said than done. Remember, your time and mental capacity is limited. Save your brain cells for more important things.

因此,确定您需要记住的内容非常重要,但说起来容易做起来难。 请记住,您的时间和心理能力有限。 保存您的脑细胞用于更重要的事情。

But what are those important things? Let’s move on.

但是那些重要的事情是什么? 让我们继续。

一定要把握概念 (Do try to grasp the concepts)

Yep, concepts are important. But, again, which concepts?

是的,概念很重要。 但是,再次,哪些概念呢?

If you consider the functionality of a code block, it basically tells you how to solve a given problem. However, understanding why it does that is far more critical. In other words, taking into account what’s happening behind the scenes, and figuring out how the concepts connect the dots together to solve an issue.

如果考虑代码块的功能,它基本上会告诉您如何解决给定的问题。 但是,了解为什么这样做更重要。 换句话说,要考虑到幕后发生的事情,并弄清楚这些概念如何将各个点连接在一起以解决问题。

The further you go into your coding journey, the more you’d realize that the lines of code you write are just a way to solve the problem. And as we develop, the way to solve the problem is updated frequently and improved upon, but the concepts hardly change.

您越深入编码过程,就越会意识到编写的代码行只是解决问题的一种方法。 随着我们的发展,解决问题的方法是经常更新和改进,但其概念很难改变。

Imagine that you want to use a certain library. You go to its documentation or scroll down to the usage part of its Github repo, grab that block of code, and paste it into your project. One month later, the syntax changes and red lines scrawl across your terminal. What are you going to do?

假设您要使用某个库。 您可以转到其文档或向下滚动至其Github存储库的用法部分,获取该代码块,然后将其粘贴到您的项目中。 一个月后,语法发生了变化,红线横扫了您的终端。 你会怎样做?

Fortunately, it’s not that big a deal if you already understood the code snippet when you first used it. You’d know what the library was used for and what its dependencies were for it to work properly. As a result, the problem can quickly be solved right after a few searches.

幸运的是,如果您在初次使用代码片段时就已经了解了它,那么这没什么大不了的。 您会知道该库用于什么以及它的依赖关系是什么使其可以正常工作。 结果,在几次搜索后就可以快速解决问题。

You probably know that not every instructor tries to carefully and thoroughly explain why they choose a particular technology or why their code just works, elegantly and somehow magically.


The reason is, it really takes time and effort to painstakingly communicate all of this info over the course of a tutorial. Concerning how much time a course normally takes, and how much stuff they need to cover, sometimes instructors just can’t cover everything.

原因是,在整个教程过程中认真地传达所有这些信息确实需要花费时间和精力。 关于一门课程通常需要花费多少时间,以及他们需要涵盖多少内容,有时讲师无法涵盖所有​​内容。

您如何解决这个问题? (How can you sort this out?)

One way is to pick a proper course. In one of , I discuss how filtering through learning resources is actually quite challenging. And that’s not because the sources are very limited — rather, there are tons of them and that may overwhelm you at first. So how do you choose the right resource?

一种方法是选择正确的路线 。 在一个 ,我讨论了如何通过学习资源进行过滤实际上具有挑战性。 那不是因为来源非常有限-而是有很多来源,一开始可能使您不知所措。 那么,您如何选择合适的资源呢?

Luckily, almost all of the MOOC providers that I know offer a trial period in which you can preview a number of lectures within a course. The trial period may vary across providers. However, it is normally long enough for you to at least get a taste of the contents as well as the teaching methods of the instructor.

幸运的是,据我所知,几乎所有MOOC提供商都提供了试用期,您可以在其中预览课程中的许多讲座。 试用期可能因提供商而异。 但是,通常您足够长的时间至少可以体会到内容以及讲师的教学方法。

Personally, after I sign up for a trial, I do not hurry up and dive straight into the course. Instead, I try to observe the way the instructor explains and clarifies concepts. The purpose of this is to make sure that after dedicating my time and money to a course, I will learn how to think and solve problems in my projects outside of the extent the tutorial covers.

就个人而言,我报名参加试用后,我不会急着直接进入课程。 相反,我尝试观察教练解释和阐明概念的方式。 这样做的目的是确保在将我的时间和金钱专用于一门课程后,我将学习如何在本教程涵盖的范围之外思考和解决项目中的问题。

评分固然重要,但并不重要 (Rating does matter, but not that much)

One of the mistakes that I made at the beginning when selecting a course was relying heavily on the course rating, reviews, and the number of students enrolled.


However, the fact is that not all instructors have a flair for explaining concepts, regardless of how brilliant they are. Teaching skills are not directly proportional to a person’s experience or skill level.

然而,事实是,并非所有的讲师都具有解释概念的天赋,无论他们多么出色。 教学技能与人的经验或技能水平不成正比。

Additionally, each learner’s sense of understanding and experience level is also different. Some people may find that an instructor explains concepts really well, but that may not be the case with you.

此外,每个学习者的理解感和经验水平也不同。 某些人可能会发现讲师的讲解确实很好,但是您可能情况并非如此。

Remember that you will follow the course you pick over a decent amount of time. Many of us might spend time after our day jobs studying, which is why this time is very valuable.

请记住,您将在相当长的时间内遵循所选择的课程。 我们中的许多人可能在一天的工作后花时间学习,这就是为什么这段时间非常宝贵

You could be spending the time with your family or on your social life. However, you’re dedicating that time to developing yourself instead. As a result, a proper course not only needs to give you a better understanding and broaden your knowledge, but must also provide a sense of excitement. This will motivate you and keep you hungry to learn more, thereby keeping up your momentum.

您可能会花时间与家人或社交生活。 但是,您将这段时间专用于发展自己。 因此,正确的课程不仅需要使您更好地理解并拓宽知识面,还必须提供一种兴奋感。 这将激励您并使您渴望学习更多,从而保持动力。

And, once you have the desire to learn, learning changes from being a responsibility (something that needs to be done) to a joy (something that you want to do). Does that sound better?

而且,一旦您渴望学习,学习就会从成为责任(需要完成的事情)转变为喜悦(您想要做的事情)。 听起来更好吗?

寻找其他解决方案 (Look for other solutions)

There’s a famous quote,


A smooth sea never make the best sailor.

Does this make sense?


Not too obvious, is it? Let me tell you why.

不太明显,是吗? 让我来告诉你为什么。

Have you ever thought that while you’re in the middle of a tutorial, everything works just flawlessly like it’s magic?


In my opinion, the reason is that, in a project that an instructor chooses to teach you, they’ve already picked a technology that they know about best, and they’ve also rehearsed it and tried it out in practice many times.


However, there is never a single way to solve a problem. Alternatives always exist, especially in the tech world. Therefore, whenever possible, try to investigate other ways to solve a particular problem. This might sound time-consuming and vague at first. But, later on when you work on your personal project, and you’re all on your own, you’ll realize the benefit of this habit. Trust me, it’ll really help you in the long run.

但是,从来没有一种方法可以解决问题。 替代方案始终存在,尤其是在科技界。 因此,请尽可能尝试研究其他方法来解决特定问题。 起初听起来很耗时且含糊。 但是,稍后当您从事自己的个人项目时,又一个人一个人,就会意识到这种习惯的好处。 相信我,从长远来看,它将为您带来真正的帮助。

You must not only look into altervatives to solve a problem, but also come across the solution itself by asking questions such as:


  • Why is this technology is the best way to solve that particular issue?

  • What makes it superior to others in that context?


Every time the instructor suggests a solution, you are aware of why it solves the problem, and don’t just understand it for the sake of it. The distance between getting to know something and truly grasping it is far more than just listening to the explanation.

每次讲师提出解决方案时,您都知道为什么它可以解决问题,而不仅仅是为了解决问题而了解它。 真正了解和掌握某物之间的距离远不只是听其解释。

怎么样? 阅读有关它! (How? Read about it!)

So how do you find out a solution to a concept that is brand new to you? Spending time on different mediums is a great way to help. Video is useful to follow along and get a sense of of the breadth of a concept. But I’ve found that articles and blogs are also imperative to understanding a concept in depth.

那么,您如何找到全新概念的解决方案? 花时间在不同的媒介上是一种帮助的好方法。 视频对于跟进并了解概念的广度很有用。 但是我发现文章和博客对于深入理解一个概念也是必不可少的。

One more thing: never discount the official documentation, my friends. It is the one of the most important resources for understanding a concept and the one that you will most likely come back to later on.

还有一件事:我的朋友们,不要打折官方文档。 它是理解概念的最重要资源之一,也是您很可能稍后再使用的资源。

But, reading documentation can be sort of overwhelming, especially for code newbies.


Nonetheless, the point is you do not need to read the whole thing. Rather, try to just view the part where it solves the problem that you are facing right now. Read through it, compare it with how your instructor presented it, and google how other users implement it. Trust me, you will get much deeper into a library, technology, or concept.

尽管如此,重点是您不需要阅读全部内容 相反,请尝试仅查看解决了您当前面临的问题的部分。 通读它,将其与您的讲师介绍它的方式进行比较,并搜索其他用户如何实现它。 相信我,您将更深入地了解图书馆,技术或概念。

记录而不是复制 (Documenting instead of copying)

What if I told you that you will forget a majority of what you have just learned in the next couple of weeks or months?


I am hardly able to fully recall a thing I worked on and understood fully just a few weeks ago.


As mentioned above, the truth is painful my friends. Our brain and memory capability is limited. You’ll not recall something soon after you learn it, unless you practice it frequently. Compounded by the vast amount of knowledge you need to learn and understand, it is pretty normal if one day when you’re working on your own project and face a problem and tell yourself:

如上所述,真相令我的朋友们痛苦。 我们的大脑和记忆能力有限。 除非您经常练习,否则您不会在学习后很快就记得它。 加上需要学习和理解的大量知识,如果有一天在您自己的项目中工作并遇到问题并告诉自己:

I definitely have seen it, listened to it, thought that I understood how to solve it, but why the heck can’t I recall it right now?

If it is a concept, or a library, then you can quickly solve this by researching or looking at the documentation. However, this problem gets worse if it is a particular issue that the documentation does not cover.

如果是概念或库,则可以通过研究或查看文档来快速解决。 但是,如果是文档涵盖的特定问题,则此问题会变得更加严重。

Of course, you could then continue to search and hope that other folks already went through these problems and sought solutions online as well. But let’s admit that this is not really efficient and time-saving, right?

当然,您可以继续搜索,并希望其他人已经遇到了这些问题,并且也在网上寻求解决方案。 但是,让我们承认这并不是真正有效且省时的,对吗?

That’s how the other documentation comes into place. I’m not talking of the official documentation, but your documentation.

这就是其他文档的实现方式。 我说的不是官方文档,而是您的文档。

What? Yes, you’ve got to maintain your own documentation, too.

什么? 是的,您还必须维护自己的文档。

How? By practicing the habit of writing down what you have learned and saving it somewhere so that you can quickly refer to it when needed.

怎么样? 通过养成记下所学内容并将其保存在某处的习惯,以便您在需要时可以快速引用它。

More importantly, please do not treat it only as your dictionary of syntax and snippets! Fill it up with problem analysis, thoughts, in-depth clarification, references from different sources. Make it yours so that you know how to access the information quickly.

更重要的是,请不要仅将其视为语法和摘要字典! 填写问题分析,思想,深入的澄清以及来自不同来源的参考。 将其设置为您自己,以便您知道如何快速访问信息。

不要忘记论坛和讨论区 (Don’t forget the forums and discussion boards)

What do you usually do when you run into bugs or problems during a tutorial?


Do you Google/ StackOverFlow on your first attempt?

您第一次尝试Google / StackOverFlow吗?

What if I told you that you’ve already got a mini version of StackOverFlow right inside your tutorial?


Yep. That’s how forum and discussion panels are designed within courses. And most online courses offer a place for students to discuss their problems with the instructor or their peers.

是的 这就是在课程中设计论坛和讨论面板的方式。 而且大多数在线课程都为学生提供了与讲师或同伴讨论问题的地方。

The course forums and discussion boards are usually the first place that I go when I run into bugs — even before I begin Googling them. That’s because many students doing the course have already come across the same bug. Therefore, you might find answers right in the Q&A section without leaving the class.

课程论坛和讨论区通常是我遇到bug时最先去的地方-甚至在我开始对其进行谷歌搜索之前。 那是因为许多参加该课程的学生已经遇到了相同的错误。 因此,您可能会在“问题与答案”部分中找到答案,而无需离开课程。

Another way you can use the forum is to share your solutions with others. It could be an elegant piece of code that no one has shared, or even some parts of the solution given by the lecturer that you found vague. Either way, sharing your solutions helps you reinforce your concepts and improve your knowledge. It also provides you with an opportunity to learn not only from your instructor, but also from your peers.

您可以使用论坛的另一种方式是与他人共享您的解决方案。 这可能是一段精美的代码,却没有人共享,甚至是您觉得含糊的讲师给出的解决方案的某些部分。 无论哪种方式,共享您的解决方案都可以帮助您加强概念并提高知识。 它还为您提供了一个不仅可以向您的老师学习的机会,而且还可以向您的同龄人学习的机会。

当心-不要让这些课程欺骗您! (Beware - Don’t let these courses fool you!)

There is one issue with online courses that I found myself running into many times. To be frank, I was under the illusion that I was a great problem solver based on the progress I achieved throughout a course.

我发现自己参加了很多次在线课程,这是一个问题。 坦率地说,基于我在整个课程中取得的进步,我感到自己是一个伟大的问题解决者。

But, then I realized that the answers I thought I had learned were not actually my solutions! They belonged to the instructor and were right inside the course.

但是,然后我意识到我以为自己学到的答案实际上并不是我的解决方案! 他们属于教练,就在课程内部。

That’s because every time a real life problem needs to be solved, no one except you must go to find the answer. There are no suggestions from the instructor, no recommendations or hints from your fellow learners. Only you and the knowledge that you have obtained. That is the moment when you truly recognize what knowledge you have and what you don’t!

那是因为每当需要解决一个现实生活中的问题时,除了您必须去寻找答案之外,没有人可以解决。 教员没有任何建议,您的学习者也没有任何建议或提示。 只有您和您所获得的知识。 那一刻,您才真正认识到自己拥有什么知识和没有什么知识!

But once again, you absolutely should not blame yourself for this. The first step is just accepting the truth, and then figuring out how to sort it out.

但是再一次,您绝对不应该为此自责。 第一步就是接受事实,然后弄清楚如何对其进行分类。

When you’re not actively (and independently) solving a problem and get used to waiting for other’s suggestions, your critical thinking skills will gradually weaken. As a result, when you’re following along with a tutorial and face a problem, why don’t you pause the video and give yourself some time to try out various solutions?

当您不主动(独立)解决问题并习惯于等待别人的建议时,您的批判性思维能力将逐渐减弱。 结果,当您按照教程进行操作并遇到问题时,为什么不暂停视频并给自己一些时间来尝试各种解决方案呢?

The idea is not only to ultimately look for the answer, but also to develop a critical mindset. Once you find the answer yourself without the help of others, regardless of whether your solution is perfect or your method is elegant, you’ve already gained something for yourself. And that mindset will become your habit and help you solve bigger problems later on.

这个想法不仅是最终寻找答案,而且是培养批判性思维。 一旦您在没有他人帮助的情况下自己找到了答案,无论您的解决方案是完美的还是方法是优雅的,您都已经为自己获得了收获。 这种心态将成为您的习惯,并在以后帮助您解决更大的问题。

You might say, what if it is a technology, library, or framework that I haven’t heard of before? What if there is no way for me to get a sense of using it?

您可能会说,如果这是我之前从未听说过的技术,库或框架,该怎么办? 如果我没有办法使用它怎么办?

No problem, my friends. Just bear in mind that you are going through those tutorials to get to know and learn new things. However, to get the most out of them, and to make them yours afterwards, try not to follow and imitate your instructor step-by-step.

没问题,我的朋友们。 请记住,您正在阅读这些教程以了解和学习新事物。 但是,要充分利用它们并在以后使它们成为您自己的,请不要循序渐进地模仿和模仿您的教练。

If it is a technology that you’re not familiar with, try to have a look at its documentation or at least Google it after being enlightened by the lecturer. After that, give yourself the courage to try to understand it and give it a shot. Even if it might break at the first attempt, you are absolutely fine.

如果您不熟悉这项技术,请在讲师启发后尝试看一下它的文档,或者至少浏览一下它。 在那之后,给自己勇气去尝试并尝试一下。 即使它可能在第一次尝试时破裂,也绝对可以。

Remember, the more struggles and difficulties you face along the way, the more likely you are to remember and make the knowledge yours.


结论 (Conclusion)

As newbies, many of us are fearful of making mistakes and getting lost. This really prevents us from getting out of our comfort zones, and we find ourselves trapped and unable to approach a problem.

作为新手,我们许多人担心犯错误和迷路。 这确实阻止了我们走出舒适区,并且发现自己陷入了困境,无法解决问题。

Therefore, let’s take courage my friends! Your code could be ugly or broken at first, but it is still better than copying lines written by others.

因此,让我们鼓舞我的朋友们! 您的代码起初可能很丑陋或损坏,但是它仍然比复制其他人编写的行更好。

There is a common cycle, Try, Test, Learn, and Improve, that many use when approaching a new concept. And as you saw, learning and improving are just the two later parts. They are the steps to polish your knowledge. They are important.

尝试一个新概念时有一个常见的循环,即尝试,测试,学习和改进 。 如您所见,学习和改进只是后面的两个部分。 它们是增进您的知识的步骤。 它们很重要。

But it is even more essential to get a taste of that new thing on your own, and try it out to see how it is right, or wrong. Then continue to figure out the problems along the way until it somehow works. The more independent you are in your learning, the more happy and excited you might feel when the problem is solved!

但是,更重要的是要自己尝一尝新事物,然后尝试一下,看看它是对还是错。 然后继续找出问题所在,直到问题解决。 您在学习中越独立,解决问题时,您会感到越高兴和兴奋!

Nonetheless, this is a process that every one of us must go through. And life is so boring without any changes or development, isn’t it? So, how do you make the most of your learning path? Disrupt your conventional ways of approaching problems, prioritize broad concepts over actual syntax, document your journey, and leverage resources provided by courses. You will absolutely be on the right track!

尽管如此,这是我们每个人都必须经历的一个过程。 没有任何变化或发展,生活是如此无聊,不是吗? 那么,您如何充分利用学习路径? 破坏解决问题的常规方法,将广泛的概念置于实际语法之上,记录您的旅程,并利用课程提供的资源。 您绝对会走上正确的轨道!

That’s the end of this blog! Thanks for reading! If you like it, please hit ???

这是博客的结尾! 谢谢阅读! 如果喜欢,请打???

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